Gift Card & Loyalty

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Gift Card & Loyalty

Wrap up higher revenues with a smart gift card and loyalty program. Our Gift Card & Loyalty solutions are a revenue maker you can’t ignore!

Attracting new customers is a never-ending job. What if there were a way to get existing customers to do that job for you? With our Gift Card and Loyalty Program, it’s never been easier: gift cards are a great way to get new customers into your store and keep them coming back.

Simple to use, re-loadable gift cards
Low set-up costs, no hidden fees
Customizable gift card currencies
Design your own unique gift cards
Track gift card data and generate reports


It’s a fact: it has been shown that shoppers will visit a business at least twice to spend what’s on a gift card. And 50% of consumers will spend more than the amount available on their gift card. Best of all, people with gift cards are more likely to buy full-priced merchandise rather than sale items.

Put gift card data to work

Our dashboard provides you with reports to track sales and analyze data quickly. It’s a great way to see how well your program is working to benefit even more.

Say goodbye to paper certificates?

Seamlessly integrate digital cards into your existing payment terminal. Easily track gift cards and generate usage reports through a convenient portal.

Go premium for more features

If your business requires something more custom, our premium offering has a variety of prepaid card options to help you increase revenues!