Business Coach Program

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Business Coach Program

Business Coach helps you increase your sales with powerful business insights and tips. Our dashboard provides powerful data in simple format so that you can take action to boost your success.

Every business can benefit from knowing more about their clients and competitors. But getting the right information is time consuming and expensive. No longer! Business Coach gives you the exact insights and tips to boost your bottom line, quickly and easily.

Improve engagement with client segments that drive higher revenue
Turn new clients into repeat visitors and maximize potential revenue per visit
Access and respond to reviews and social media posts, all from one dashboard
See which social media platforms to focus on to boost visibility


Business Coach’s all-in-one data analytics and social media monitoring dashboard is embedded directly in your account reporting portal. It delivers actionable, relevant insights, automatically.

Get New Customers to improve profit

Compare sales for first-time clients vs. repeat customers to understand purchase trends. Get insights you need to boost your bottom line, quickly and easily.

Stop Customers From Slipping Away

Identifies average time between purchases to notify merchants which customers are in danger of being lost. This allows them to actively engage with those customers before losing them!

Reactivate Dormant customers

Customers who no longer buy are flagged by the system. This powerful data helps merchants target them with promotions to get back their dollars!